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Brochure RATIOS

Les organismes de placement sont encadrés par plusieurs Directives et Règlements européens et leurs éventuelles transpositions en...

Les organismes de placement sont encadrés par plusieurs Directives et Règlements européens et leurs éventuelles transpositions en droit français (Code monétaire et financier, réglementation et doctrine AMF).

Vous pouvez retrouver la brochure Ratios actualisée au 31/12/2021 avec les dernières publications (Directive UCITS V, Directive AIFM, Loi Pacte, Labels européens et français, MMFR …).

Elle s’articule autour de quatre thèmes principaux :

  • le contexte et les objectifs en matière de surveillance des risques ;
  • les dispositions concernant les conditions d’éligibilité et les quotas (ratios) pour chaque catégorie d’actifs ;
  • les règles d’investissement et de répartition de risques applicables pour les différents types d’OPCVM et de FIA reprises sous forme de tableaux ;
  • les règles additionnelles ou spécifiques (orientation de gestion et classifications, labels, règles fiscales).
Reshaping investment: Tokenisation, ETFs and Sustainability

Reshaping Investment: Tokenisation, ETFs and Sustainability

Governance and the climate risk dilemma

Governance and the climate risk dilemma

In this survey, Funds Europe, in partnership with CACEIS, examine the extent to which fund boards and asset managers are...

Securities Lending at CACEIS

Securities Lending - Compatible with ESG principles

CACEIS has prepared this information document to help its clients meet the challenges ahead. The aim is to provide insight into...

Climate and ESG: Time for Action

Climate and ESG: Time for action

Climate change is the key issue of our time. Climate change risks know no boundaries and will impact pension schemes of all shapes...

Strategic choices for asset management in 2021

Strategic choices for asset management in 2021

In this survey, Funds Europe, in partnership with CACEIS, examines where priorities lie for asset managers in crafting their...

CACEIS and local government pension schemes - Part 4

CACEIS and local government pension schemes - Part 4

The who’s who and what’s what of ESG

CACEIS and local government pension schemes - Part 3

CACEIS and local government pension schemes - Part 3

Why climate change matters

CACEIS and local government pension schemes - Part 2

CACEIS and local government pension schemes - Part 2

Assessing your asset managers’ ESG approach

CACEIS and local government pension schemes - Part 1

CACEIS and local government pension schemes - Part 1

An introduction to responsible investment

Taking action on ESG and Climate change

Taking action on ESG and climate change

Transforming tomorrow: Rising to the new normal of ESG and Climate change factors and risks

Funds Europe & CACEIS Fund Governance Survey

Fund Governance

A Funds Europe survey in partnership with CACEIS

How AI will transform investment

Analyse that: How AI will transform investment

A Funds Europe survey in partnership with CACEIS

Important information – CACEIS’ corporate identity is currently being used to sell fraudulent term deposit products. CACEIS has nothing to do with such offers and does not even sell investment products. Please be vigilant and avoid becoming the victim of this type of fraud.