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¿Pueden nuestros clientes de gestión de activos y planes de pensiones evaluar con confianza los riesgos ESG y climáticos, así como cumplir los requisitos reglamentarios de información? Sus expectativas en este ámbito son muy variadas y CACEIS puede ayudarles con la formación adecuada y datos completos y fiables.

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The Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) has defined new European rules for investment classification as well as standards for sustainability reporting. In this ever-changing regulatory environment, clients need a partner who can help them keep up to date with the regulatory and business challenges they face. This is why CACEIS is offering a new type of ESG reporting service in addition to the already extensive reporting available on OLIS, the client portal.

In 2012, EMIR came into force as a European regulation to increase transparency in the over-the-counter (OTC) and exchange-traded derivatives (ETD) markets and to reduce credit and operational risks. A decade on, EMIR Refit strengthens the obligations rules for derivatives processing, clearing and contract risk management, reporting and the operation of clearing houses and trade repositories.

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En 2022, el gobierno de Reino Unido, a través de su primer ministro Boris Johnson, reveló su clara intención de liberarse progresivamente del marco legislativo europeo en materia financiera, proponiendo un nuevo conjunto de medidas más flexibles. ¿Cuáles son las perspectivas para el Reino Unido y la UE?

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Every year, CACEIS creates around 2,000 funds for clients, and to boost the speed and efficiency, CACEIS is further automating the fund onboarding process.

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For CACEIS, partnership is simply about making sure we are always attentive to the needs of our clients, taking standard services like custody that already address their needs, and finding proactive ways to help them further improve the efficiency, accuracy and security of their business. It’s therefore encouraging to receive independent recognition of the effort we put into client servicing excellence.

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Actualidades CACEIS


CACEIS, a leading European player in asset servicing, today announced the renewal of its key partnership with GemCap Investment...


Matthew Ives summarises the recent roundtable held with asset managers, ACDs and consultants on the UK’s Sustainability Disclosure...


Interview with Markus Strauch, Director Digital Assets & Trading at Bitpanda (the first Austrian unicorn and client of CACEIS), by...


A comienzos del 2024, CACEIS Bank Spain (CBS) ha logrado sobrepasar los 100 mil millones de euros en activos depositados a través...


Con motivo del Día Internacional de la Mujer (DIM), me enorgullece presentar este número de CACEIS News, que pone de relieve a las...


2023 has been an excellent year for CACEIS in Spain, due to strong performance of the financial markets and a host of new client...


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Important information – CACEIS’ corporate identity is currently being used to sell fraudulent term deposit products. CACEIS has nothing to do with such offers and does not even sell investment products. Please be vigilant and avoid becoming the victim of this type of fraud.