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Securities Lending 2024: how the industry is adding value to end investors throughout a period of regulatory and market change
06/03/2024 - 25 June 2024 - 11:00-11:45Webinar Register now
CACEIS’ Market Solutions offer provides secure access to financial markets
01/15/2024 - As the entry point to CACEIS’ Execution-to-Custody model, Market Solutions provides a comprehensive multi-asset, multi-market offer that is fully integrated ...
Growth trajectory
01/12/2024 - In line with the international expansion of its asset servicing business, CACEIS is extending its securities finance coverage into new ...
CACEIS’ Securities Lending team highly commended at Global Investor ISF awards
10/26/2023 - Congratulations to our Securities Lending team for the awards from Global Investor ISF, a benchmark publication in the securities finance ...
Debunking the myths around securities lending: performance, regulation & opportunities in 2023
06/22/2023 - 5 July 2023 - 11:00 (CET)Webinar Watch the replay
30ª Conferencia anual de ISLA sobre financiación de valores y gestión de garantías
05/30/2023 - 20-22 Junio de 2023 Lisboa, Portugal
ISLA 30th Annual Securities Finance & Collateral Management Conference
05/30/2023 - 20-22 June 2023 Lisbon, Portugal
CACEIS on securities lending in 2023: So far, so (very) good
05/22/2023 - CACEIS’ Securities Finance desk takes a look at the current lending market, the hot topics that might drive change, and ...
Why volatility means opportunity for clients
10/31/2022 - Donia Rouigueb, Head of Sales - Securities Finance and Repo, discusses with Global Investor why volatility means opportunity for clients.
September 2022
10/19/2022 - CACEIS Regulatory Watch Newsletter
Securities Lending - Compatible with ESG principles
11/03/2021 -
Securities Lending, An Activity Compatible with Your ESG Policies
09/07/2021 - 24th September 2021 - 12h15-13h00 CACEIS Talks Series webinar Watch the replay!
Securities lending bij CACEIS, een oplossing die aansluit op ESG-principes
06/15/2021 - Beleggers nemen duurzaam en verantwoord beleggen steeds serieuzer nu wereldwijd steeds complexere uitdagingen op het gebied van ESG worden ingezien ...
CACEIS Market Solutions: a fully integrated front-to-back service for optimum client support
06/01/2021 - CACEIS Market Solutions is a comprehensive, end-to-end service that covers a full range of assets and markets, and is fully ...
Le Prêt-Emprunt chez CACEIS, une activité compatible avec votre politique ESG
05/19/2021 - 1er juin 2021 - 12h15-13h00 CACEIS Talks Series webinar Le replay est disponible !
Securities finance: pushing for market harmonisation
01/18/2021 - Donia Rouigueb, head of sales for securities finance and repo at CACEIS, participated in our recent securities finance roundtable. She ...